Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria Transport
Volume 1
p-ISSN: 0209-3324
e-ISSN: 2450-1549
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Article citation information:
Czech, P. Archives - 2015 volume 89. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 1983, 1, 1-10. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI:

Archives of 2015

Fig. 1. Cover of issue vol. 89 / 2015

Volume 89

  1. Michał BATSCH: Mathematical model of convexo-concave Novikov gear mesh. PDF XML HTML

  2. Andrzej FELLNER, Adam MAŃKA: Adjust the method of the FMEA to the requirements of the aviation industry. PDF XML HTML

  3. Jaroslav HOMIŠIN: Partial results of the grant project: „Research and application of universal regulation system in order to master the source of mechanical systems excitation”. PDF XML HTML

  4. Henryk JAFERNIK, Radosław FELLNER: Legal environment and operation of general aviation aerodromes – the overview. PDF XML HTML

  5. Henryk JAFERNIK, Robert SKLORZ: Initiatives to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions during ground operations. PDF XML HTML

  6. Peter KAŠŠAY, Matej URBANSKÝ: Torsional natural frequency tuning by means of pneumatic flexible shaft couplings. PDF XML HTML

  7. Kamil KRASUSKI: Utilization CSRS-PPP software for recovery aircraft’s position. PDF XML HTML

  8. Wojciech MAJEWSKI: The possibility of using laser and micro-jet technology in the welding of structural elements of vehicles. PDF XML HTML

  9. Tadeusz MARCINIAK, Dariusz OSTROWSKI: Worm gear’s operating barriers. PDF XML HTML

  10. Tadeusz MARKOWSKI, Michał BATSCH: Influence of Novikov convexo-concave gear parameters on contact pattern. PDF XML HTML

  11. Silvia MEDVECKÁ-BEŇOVÁ: Deformation and stiffness of spur gear teeth and their influence on gear noise. PDF XML HTML

  12. Jacek MICHALSKI: Finishing aeronautical planetary herringbone gear wheels in container vibrating smoothing machine. PDF XML HTML

  13. Stanisław NOGA, Tadeusz MARKOWSKI, Roman BOGACZ: Method of determining the normal modes of toothed gears with complex geometry. PDF XML HTML

  14. Piotr POŁOWNIAK: Chosen aspects of modeling globoid worm in CATIA system. PDF XML HTML

  15. Marek RUTKOWSKI: Regulations in force on the roads of Kingdom of Poland in the constitutional era. PDF XML HTML

  16. Wojciech STACHURSKI: Influence of axial feed in hobbing with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) on wear of the hob and cutting forces. PDF XML HTML

  17. Katarzyna TUROŃ, Dagmara GOLBA, Piotr CZECH: The analysis of progress CSR good practices areas in logistic companies based on reports “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices” in 2010-2014. PDF XML HTML

  18. Matej URBANSKÝ, Peter KAŠŠAY: The new realized mobile device for extremal control research and presentation. PDF XML HTML

  19. Jarmila VOJTKOVÁ: Reduction of contact stresses using involute gears with asymmetric teeth. PDF XML HTML
SJSUTST ©: Piotr Czech