Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria Transport
Volume 1
p-ISSN: 0209-3324
e-ISSN: 2450-1549
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Article citation information:
Czech, P. Archives - 2022 volume 114. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 1983, 1, 1-10. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI:

Archives of 2022

Fig. 1. Cover of issue vol. 114 / 2022

Volume 114

  1. Blerina BEQAJ: Assessing the environmental impact of roadway’s construction on adjacent water resources: a case study of the southern part of Albania. PDF XML HTML

  2. Mulugeta GIRMA, Berhanu WOLDETENSAE: Evaluating users’ satisfaction in public transit service: a case of Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia. PDF XML HTML

  3. Piotr GORZELANCZYK, Aleksander HUK: Road traffic safety: a case study of the Pila poviat in Poland. PDF XML HTML

  4. Radka JÍROVÁ, Lubomír PEŠÍK: Analysis of screw connection in air conditioning systems. PDF XML HTML

  5. Agata KUREK, Elżbieta MACIOSZEK: Daily variability of the use of parking spaces in the Paid Parking Zone covered by Dynamic Parking Information before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. PDF XML HTML

  6. Pieta MARCIANO, Greg WHEATLEY, Ahmed ALI: Differential designing for FSAE motor sports vehicle JCU. PDF XML HTML

  7. Telesfor Marek MARKIEWICZ, Piotr MAKOWSKI: Selected problems of risk evaluation of change in certified civil aviation organisations. PDF XML HTML

  8. Oleksiy MELNYK, Yuriy BYCHKOVSKY, Andrii VOLOSHYN: Maritime situational awareness аs a key measure for safe ship operation. PDF XML HTML

  9. Vladimir NEKHOROSHKOV, Sergey VAKULENKO, Peter KURENKOV, Evgeniy NEKHOROSHKOV, Grigoriy DERUZHINSKIY, Alexander IGNATENKO, Alyona AROSHIDZE, Alexey ASTAFIEV, Irina SERYAPOVA, Irina SOLSKAYA: Optimization of the international multimodal container transportation. PDF XML HTML

  10. Peter Bolaji OLADEJI, Hafeez Idowu AGBABIAKA, Hafiiz Adebayo ADEWOLE: Socioeconomic variability of households’ travel behaviour in the peri-urban areas of Ibadan, Nigeria. PDF XML HTML

  11. Adam PIECH, Maciej KWAPIŃSKI, Maciej MICKIEWICZ, Krzysztof KANAWKA: LTE/GNSS IoT technology as a backbone for airport ground handling operations. PDF XML HTML

  12. Kanala Teja Vinay Kumar REDDY, Surya Prakash CHALLAGULLA: Measurement of delay using travel time reliability statistics in an urban outer corridor. PDF XML HTML

  13. Facundo STORANI, Roberta DI PACE, Stefano DE LUCA, Silvio MEMOLI: Calibration and validation of a macroscopic traffic flow model based on platoon dispersion and queue propagation. PDF XML HTML

  14. Martin VLKOVSKÝ, Jiří MALÍŠEK: Optimization of the fastening system of the truck using MEMS accelerometers. PDF XML HTML

  15. Greg WHEATLEY, Arash BABAMIRI, Bronson PHILIPPA: Vibration analysis of an Airlie beach house: a case study in Australia. PDF XML HTML

  16. Michał ZIĘTALA: Stability of GPS and GLONASS onboard clocks on a monthly basis. PDF XML HTML

  17. Rafał ŻABÓWKA, Kamil MACIUK: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on real estate market in Cracow. PDF XML HTML
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