Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria Transport
Volume 1
p-ISSN: 0209-3324
e-ISSN: 2450-1549
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Article citation information:
Czech, P. Archives - 2019 volume 105. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 1983, 1, 1-10. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI:

Archives of 2019

Fig. 1. Cover of issue vol. 105 / 2019

Publishing activities are co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education using the 2018-19 budget allocated to activities for disseminating science (No 744/P-DUN/2018).

Fig. 2. The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education logotype

Volume 105

  1. Firas ALRAWI, Ali ALALI, Sarah ALAA, Shurooq SAAD, Araz AMEER: The impact of shifting towards eco-friendly transportation at the University of Baghdad, Al-Jadriya Campus (UBAC). PDF XML HTML

  2. Ivaylo ANGELOV: “Pooling and sharing” or “intelligent defence” in the field of security. PDF XML HTML

  3. Hangardas ASKEROV, Igor VAKULENKO, Nikolaji GRISCHENKO: Insights into factors of damage of surface rolling of railway wheels during operation. PDF XML HTML

  4. Marian Valentin BĂNICĂ, Anamaria RĂDOI, Petrișor Valentin PÂRVU: Onboard visual tracking for UAV’s. PDF XML HTML

  5. Miroslav BLATNICKÝ, Ján DIŽO, Dalibor BARTA, Paweł DROŹDZIEL: Design of a metro door system and determination of main loads. PDF XML HTML

  6. Robert BRODZIK: The use and effectiveness of highway landing strip construction in Poland. PDF XML HTML

  7. Ryszard HAĆ: Psychological aspects of the recruitment of administrative personnel and services in a regional airport. PDF XML HTML

  8. Marta KAŁUŻA, Grzegorz SIERPIŃSKI: Procedures for the actions required to build electric car charging stations against the polish legal framework. PDF XML HTML

  9. Robert KONOWROCKI: Modelling of dynamic aspects of operation in railway vehicle traction drive system including the electromechanical coupling. PDF XML HTML

  10. Andrzej KUBIK, Damian HADRYŚ, Zbigniew STANIK, Marek JASIOK: Analysis of tribological wear in block – on ring contact on tribological tester T-05. PDF XML HTML

  11. Olimpia KUNERT: How not to lose valuable know-how in an industry? PDF XML HTML

  12. Elżbieta MACIOSZEK, Agata KUREK: A case study analysis of roundabouts entry capacity localised on one of the main road in Sosnowiec city (Poland). PDF XML HTML

  13. Marin MARINOV, Zhivo PETROV: A static calibration of MEMS 3-axis accelerometer using a genetic algorithm. PDF XML HTML

  14. Leszek MINDUR: The impact of India’s economy on the development of seaports. PDF XML HTML

  15. Maciej MINDUR: The development of sea transport in South Korea between 2002-2017. PDF XML HTML

  16. Aleksandra ŚLIWIŃSKA: Operational solutions aimed at safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. PDF XML HTML

  17. Jozef ŠKRABALA, Adrián HAJDUČÍK, Štefan MEDVECKÝ, František BRUMERČÍK: Optimalisation of the blade movement of the mower. PDF XML HTML
SJSUTST ©: Piotr Czech