Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria Transport
Volume 1
p-ISSN: 0209-3324
e-ISSN: 2450-1549
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Article citation information:
Czech, P. Archives - 2019 volume 104. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 1983, 1, 1-10. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI:

Archives of 2019

Fig. 1. Cover of issue vol. 104 / 2019

Publishing activities are co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education using the 2018-19 budget allocated to activities for disseminating science (No 744/P-DUN/2018).

Fig. 2. The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education logotype

Volume 104

  1. Arian AGHELFARD, Mohammad Sadegh ROHANIMANESH, Ali VATANSHENAS: Investigating the performance of bridges equipped with elastomeric bearings reinforced with fibre under traffic and seismic loads. PDF XML HTML

  2. Nadežda ČUBOŇOVÁ, Tomáš DODOK, Zuzana SÁGOVÁ: Optimisation of the machining process using genetic algorithm. PDF XML HTML

  3. Adrián HAJDUČÍK, Jozef ŠKRABALA, Štefan MEDVECKÝ, František BRUMERČÍK: Kinematic analysis of trapezoidal suspension. PDF XML HTML

  4. Michał JUZEK: Analysis of the impact of non-parallelism of shafts' axes on the contact area of cooperating teeth and gearbox's components vibrations. PDF XML HTML

  5. Rudolf KAMPF, Jiří HANZL, Ondrej STOPKA, Iwona RYBICKA: Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles for biological protection of airports in Europe. PDF XML HTML

  6. Marcin Jacek KLOS, Aleksander SOBOTA: Performance evaluation of roundabouts using a microscopic simulation model. PDF XML HTML

  7. Tatiana KOLESNIKOVA, Nikolay MISCHENKO, Olha SAKNO, Volodymyr SUPRUN, Galyna FILIPOVA, Igor NIKITCHENKO, Andrii GORPYNIUK, Mykola NAZARENKO: Theoretical research response time of the mechanism for compression ratio changing of the conrod-free engine. PDF XML HTML

  8. Elżbieta MACIOSZEK: Roundabouts in Japan – surveying, problems and issues. PDF XML HTML

  9. Silvia MALÁKOVÁ: Kinematic properties and meshing condition of elliptical gear train. PDF XML HTML

  10. Martin MANTIČ, Jozef KUĽKA, Eva FALTINOVÁ, Melichar KOPAS, Ján LUMNITZER: Simulation analysis of rope belaying system. PDF XML HTML

  11. Leszek MINDUR, Maciej MINDUR: Technological advances in the development of the US railways against the competitiveness of the economy in the years 2000-2017. PDF XML HTML

  12. Jacek NOWAK, Krzysztof OGONOWSKI, Marek KUSTRA: Selected aspects of civil aviation security. PDF XML HTML

  13. Jan RAJCHEL: Search and rescue system in Poland. PDF XML HTML

  14. Ondrej ŠTALMACH, Vladimír DEKÝŠ, Pavol NOVÁK, Milan SAPIETA: Processing of results from a thermal FEM analysis using the lock-in method and comparison with experiment. PDF XML HTML

  15. Katarzyna TUROŃ, Piotr CZECH, János TÓTH: Safety and security aspects in shared mobility systems. PDF XML HTML

  16. Czesław WOJDAT: Means of transport and distribution system of aviation fuels in state aviation. PDF XML HTML

  17. Volodymyr ZARENBIN, Tatiana KOLESNIKOVA, Olha SAKNO, Vasyl OLLO, Victor KLIMENKO: Impact evaluation of piston rings mobility on a gas passage in an internal combustion engine (ICE). PDF XML HTML
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