Article citation information:
A., Kądzioła, K. Application of causal
analysis of disruptions and the functional resonance analysis method (FRAM) in analyzing the risk of the baggage process. Scientific Journal of Silesian
University of Technology. Series Transport. 2023, 119, 63-81. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI:
Krzysztof KĄDZIOŁA[2]
Summary. Following the
events related to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, increasing air traffic
also increases turnaround agents' activity at airports. Turnaround operations
are among the critical activities performed at airports, which must be
characterized by punctuality and accuracy of the elementary handling
operations. Lack of punctuality in ground handling causes delays in air
traffic. On the other hand, a lack of accuracy can also cause disruptions that
can turn into aviation incidents. Achieving punctuality and accuracy in
aircraft handling is possible by minimizing the resulting disruptions during
such handling. The safety management system (SMS) assumes activities to reduce
the causes of potential incidents. In the turnaround process, the human factor,
the technical aspect, and compliance with existing procedures are significant.
The authors have extensively analyzed the disruptions
arising during ground handling, learning its causes and effects, which will
help avoid adverse events. Occurring disruptions can cause delays in the
execution of flight operations but can also cause aviation incidents.
Therefore, the authors focused on ground-handling disruptions that can cause
adverse aviation incidents. The article presents the interference analysis
results as an Ishikawa diagram. Using the FRAM method, an analysis of possible
disruptions during the baggage handling process was carried out.
Keywords: turnaround
operations, baggage operations, disruptions, threats, FRAM method, Ishikawa
diagram, air transport safety
Air transport safety is a priority, which is
why, among other things, the SMS (Safety Management System) was created. The
SMS encompasses the entire structure of the approach to managing risk and
ensuring the effectiveness of its control by all aviation entities. It includes
systematically developing risk management procedures, practices, and standards.
The SMS is a systematic and systematic approach to safety management, including
the necessary: organizational structure, responsibilities, duties, policies,
and procedures. It enables aviation operators to continuously improve safety
levels through threat identification, data collection, analysis, and risk
assessment [15]. The implementation and
maintenance of SMS is currently a prerequisite for any aviation
organization, such as airports, air traffic service providers, air carriers,
and aviation service organizations [20].
This approach also applies to aircraft ground
handling at the airport, as it is a potential area for incidents and aviation
accidents and disturbances contributing to them. Many challenges can be
distinguished in ensuring air traffic safety during aircraft ground handling.
Such activities include:
collisions between aircraft and other traffic participants at airports,
ensuring that
aircraft are not damaged, for example, by foreign objects left in maneuvering
ensure that
aircraft are safely parked and docked,
minimizing the
risk of damage to aircraft on the stand and in other parts of the airport,
implementation of
the correct process of loading and unloading aircraft (cargo and baggage,
including dangerous goods);
proper use of
aircraft handling equipment, especially those in direct contact with the
In the literature, the disruption aspect is
analyzed in different contexts. The authors [30] analyzed the effects of unexpected
events in magnitude and duration, which directly impacted the airside zone.
Fundamentally, the authors point out the importance of studying disruptions
involving ground personnel, as this affects the timely completion of ground
The human factor is one of the most important
aspects contributing to disruptions. The level of training [25], experience, and handling of
a turnaround agent employee's difficult situations affect the entire
process's safety. The human factor is an important element in terms of an
organization's safety culture (safety culture) [24]. This concept includes elements
such as good team communication, supervisors' responsibility for safety, and
the work environment, which can appropriately reward employees' reporting of
dangerous situations that directly affect safety [34].
Disruptions can cause delays or collisions in
air traffic, seriously affecting aviation accidents. The authors [10] pursued the work of researchers,
indicating that many incidents and accidents at the airport involve GSE (Ground Support Equipment) operators. Such incidents
can have various causes, but undoubtedly one is human error, which can also
result from training. With expert knowledge and fuzzy sets, the authors showed
that GSE operator training is key to minimizing
adverse events.
According to SMS, proactive thinking aimed at
preventing air traffic incidents is essential. The authors' motivation was to
analyze disruptions in the context of proactive action in air traffic using the
Ichikawa diagram. This tool, used in various research areas [3], allows for cause-and-effect
analysis. In the opinion of the authors of this paper, such activities should
begin with analyzing emerging disturbances that may contribute to the threats
of an event turning into an aviation incident or accident
This paper contributes to the
literature by analyzing how disruptions identified
during turnaround operations affect the delays that occur but, more
importantly, what impact they can have on air traffic safety threats.
Airports are evaluated in terms of
throughput, defined as the maximum number of aircraft operations (take-offs and
landings) in a given unit of time with acceptable delays, consistent with air
traffic conditions, and uninterrupted handling of passengers and cargo. Uninterrupted
passenger and baggage handling can be achieved by minimizing disruptions and
delays during such handling. As the number of flight operations increases, so
does delay. Delay issues are analyzed in the
literature, and their causes vary. Airport capacity constraints can cause
delays during peak hours with increased air traffic. In Europe, capacity
constraints and air traffic control (ATC) system personnel are also causes of
delays [7]. The authors focused on
demonstrating that airline dominance at destination airports is a significant
driver in explaining delays of arriving aircraft. They also noted that
unfavourable weather conditions, strikes, and air traffic control regulations
can be important contributors to delays.
Airlines are using a variety of
measures to minimize delays. Such measures can be related to increasing the
number of aircraft, using faster and larger aircraft, increasing the speed of
delayed flights, hiring more staff and crew, and adjusting the schedule of
their flights to reduce the propagation of delays. Important ground handling
agent activity measures include increasing baggage handling personnel and
reducing check-in times [4, 8].
Many authors have analyzed delays to explain the reasons for them in the
context of the entry of low-cost airlines into the market and airline mergers
in the US market [13, 14]. Such analyses have also been
conducted for European airports [5, 23]. The authors analyzed
whether a greater presence of low-cost airlines at the base airport reduces
arrival delays. The analysis was based on 100 European airports between 2011
and 2012, and the authors deduced that low-cost airlines contribute to reducing
delays for all aircraft landing at an airport. Many works have also analyzed the European market [31]. The authors studied a group of
European airports between 2000 and 2004. They showed that airport concentration
is a significant determinant of delays. Another study [6] examined 40 European airports in
2015-2016. The authors showed that airlines operating in a hub-and-spoke
structure are ineffective in solving problems and reducing the propagation of
Severe and extreme meteorological
conditions can be one of the causes of the resulting disruptions, resulting in
flight delays, cancellations of these flights, or diversions to other airports
[2, 9]. The authors concluded from their
research that poor meteorological conditions depend on the type and intensity
of the event. Large airports, acting as hubs, show longer delays as a result of
adverse meteorological conditions.
According to annual reports prepared
by EUROCONTROL related to the primary sources of
delays, the “airline” category is a large group of causes. This
category includes such subcategories as aircraft handling, baggage handling, or
cargo and mail handling, among others [11]. Delays in this category
specifically refer to delays related to ground handling. This can refer to the
cumulative time from individual categories such as passengers and baggage,
cargo and mail, ramp handling, and aircraft maintenance. These data show that
the average departure delay for all causes per flight in Q2
2022 was 13.5 minutes. The reactionary delay contributed the most to the
average delay per flight at 8.9 minutes (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The reactionary and other delays
These delays impact costs for air
carriers [21] and air traffic's fluidity at the
airport. Delays can also be related to the taxi time for aircraft to perform
take-off operations, which tends to increase as congestion associated with
aircraft arrivals increases [26].
The authors of the publication [18] have done a lot of research in the
area of aircraft turnaround. They focused on creating a simulation model to
support the operation of a ground-handling agent. To implement it, the FlexSim environment was used. This simulation-based
software is used to optimize the implemented processes in the aviation
industry, for example. The simulation model allowed for analyzing
the logistical processes carried out during aircraft ground handling. The
authors analyzed the degree of GSE
utilization. In addition, FlexSim software allowed
its dynamic allocation concerning specific aircraft while considering their
mutual compatibility. As a result, the developed model made it possible to
optimize the studied process. It is worth noting that the model assumed a
deterministic duration of the given activities. This was done based on specific
publications. In the implementation of aircraft maintenance, the fire
department and crew replacement assistance were omitted. The paper's authors,
created a simulation model of ground handling of selected aircraft (categorized
by range) in the Simio package. The model's results
showed the times of total ground handling, the activities causing delays
indicated, and the percentage of critical paths in the simulations performed.
The experiments made it possible to identify the critical path of ground
handling, which was the path containing the unloading and loading of baggage.
Researchers are also addressing the
topic of the ground-handling process in terms of safety. The creator of this
work [12] focused on the role of the human
factor in aviation, which is a critical element for the safety of flight
operations. In the paper, he presented the development of the SHELL and BowTie concepts (they propose solutions to minimize the
risk of aviation incidents) by introducing a method of testing the aptitude of
airport personnel. It is implemented using a specialized system “Polipsychograph”. This system designs and implements
psychological tasks that test a person's mental, cognitive, and motor
abilities. The results obtained are used to assess the professional
capabilities of future employees. The paper contains the results of tests
conducted on ground service personnel. Among other things, the research showed
that an employee's predispositions depend on the quality of the work assigned
to him. The paper's authors [19] focused on operational safety
issues in the aircraft ground handling process. Ground handling is a critical
phase from the perspective of operational safety. The available data shows that
during the execution of the ground handling process, a large number of
incidents result in damage to the aircraft. As a result, the execution of
subsequent processes is slowed down, or the aircraft is taken out of flight,
causing long delays and costs for the airline. For a new approach to safety
management in aviation entities, the method for risk analysis is STAMP [2880]. It offers a different approach to
operational safety, treating failure as a control error. With the knowledge and
experience of the researchers’, improved processes were modelled
according to publicly available sources. A list of potential deviations is
added to processes or individual activities.
The cause of delays during ground
handling is various types of disruptions, defined as disturbances that disrupt
the proper course of the process being carried out. Disruptions largely occur
during passenger handling [32 80]. They occur during the process of
passenger and baggage handling, e.g., late check-in, excessive ticket sales,
incorrect or late catering, etc. On the other hand, during the execution of the
aircraft ground handling process, disruptions may relate to handling
activities, e.g., late delivery of GSE equipment,
misuse of GSE equipment resulting in damage to the
aircraft, lack of personnel during loading or unloading processes, lack or
failure of loading equipment, misreading of baggage loading instructions, as
well as disruptions related to the preparation of the necessary documentation
prior to the execution of take-off operations (incorrect or late delivery of
documentation related to weight and balance). Airports seek to increase their
capacity (throughput), and air carriers seek to minimize aircraft turnaround
times. The priority of any airport is to optimize the duration of the aircraft
handling process while reducing the occurrence of disruptions that potentially
cause delays and safety threats. Achieving this goal must be linked to analyzing the maintenance activities carried out at parking
areas and determining the punctual execution of aircraft take-off operations.
Even though delays occur as a result of disruptions, no division of disruptions
has been created, nor has any categorization of them been proposed. Using the
FRAM method, the authors identified disruptions using an Ishikawa diagram and
conducted a risk analysis of the baggage handling process.
2.1. Work concept
The research area is the aircraft
ground handling process, during which disturbances potentially lead to delays
and aviation incidents, which will be analyzed in the
following research work. The focus was on conducting a thorough analysis of one
particular stage of the ground handling process: baggage handling. The authors analyzed the disruptions occurring using an Ishikawa
diagram. The FRAM method was chosen, discussed, and characterized to conduct a
risk analysis of the baggage handling process. The FRAM method is widely used
in research and analysis [27].
The authors of the current research
work built a model based on the FRAM method, which reflected the baggage
handling process and was used to obtain variants. Each of them describes a
potentially occurring situation during which a disturbance arose. By
introducing variations in functions that mimic the occurrence of disruptions,
it was possible to obtain multiple scenarios. The obtained variants were analyzed in terms of the harmfulness of the occurrence of
each disruption. Such action made it possible to illustrate the spectrum of
possibilities for the occurrence of disturbances and locate the source of their
occurrence. This is also related to obtaining knowledge that can help reduce
the occurrence of interference during aircraft ground handling. In addition,
ranking the obtained scenarios, due to the harmful effects of potential
disruptions, will allow attention to the most sensitive areas of the baggage
handling process, which may involve the introduction of increased controls and
training to reduce the occurrence of such situations. Identifying factors that
cause disruptions can be used to minimize their occurrence, for example, by
levelling or eliminating their impact.
Performing an analysis of baggage
handling using the FRAM method made it possible to illustrate the scale of the
potential for disruption. In addition, it made it possible to identify specific
baggage handling activities, the erroneous implementation of which can result
in the most severe disruptions. Showing the consequences of disruptions can
help assess their harmfulness to the timely implementation of the ground
handling process, which directly translates into the occurrence of delays and
security threats.
The handling agent performs services based on assigned service categories
and uses its resources, equipment, and airport infrastructure. How individual
aircraft are handled depends on the ground handling agent's standards, the
manufacturer's recommendations for a particular aircraft model, and the
contract details between the handling agent and the air carrier it serves.
Ground Support Equipment is used to handle aircraft that load catering, mail,
baggage, other cargo, and passengers [16].
The ground support process refers to activities performed during aircraft
stops at stands. Coordination of turnaround operations begins with learning
basic information related to the aircraft being serviced. The next stage is the
creation of instructions for unloading the aircraft. It is created based on the
received dispatches containing detailed information about the transported cargo
(including special, e.g., dangerous). The next stage is the implementation of
activities in preparation for the restoration of full operational readiness of
the aircraft and the exchange of cargo and passengers. The established special
operational supervision service is responsible for controlling and enforcing
the performed maintenance activities on the apron. The ready and completed
personnel and the equipment prepared in advance await the aircraft's arrival.
After performing landing operations at the airport, the aircraft heads to
the designated parking area. It follows the “Follow me” vehicle.
When the aircraft approaches the stand, the “Follow me” vehicle
abandons its guidance in favour of an electronic guidance system. Wing walkers
assist aircraft docking. These ground staff's job is to keep an eye on the
aircraft and its surroundings to avoid collisions. Another activity is the
connection of the aircraft sleeve or providing passenger stairs so that
passengers can disembark. In the case where the aircraft is docked at the
contact station, its passengers, when disembarking, go directly to the
passenger terminal building. Connection of the GPU, or ground power unit, also
takes place. If necessary, ground-based air-conditioning units can be used [1].
At the same time, the luggage racks are opened, and, based on special
instructions, the process of unloading the luggage begins. Handling employees,
using dedicated lifting platforms, lower the containers onto the slab. Belt
loaders, loaders, or forklifts are used to handle the baggage. Once the
aircraft's baggage hatches are unloaded, they are reloaded with new containers
and luggage. They are placed according to previously developed instructions.
The process of loading the aircraft is carried out according to the
instructions of the loading planner, the so-called loadmaster.
At the same time, the service work of mechanics is also underway. An
inspection of the aircraft is carried out. If damage is detected and located,
the mechanics' task is to eliminate it. In the case of damage that cannot be
eliminated quickly, further preparation of this aircraft for flight is
abandoned. In its place, another aircraft is substituted or a decision is made
to wait for another flight.
In summary, the scope of ground handling services includes:
locking the
aircraft using special equipment,
providing a ground
power source for the GPU and ASU starting the engine,
communications between the aircraft (crew) and the cruise coordinator,
loading and
unloading of the aircraft including the provision of appropriate stairs for
both passengers and crew,
owning and
operating cargo platforms intended for baggage and cargo,
enabling and
supervising the process of moving the aircraft on the tarmac (towing, pushing,
de-icing of the
- refueling and refueling process,
ensuring the
protection of the aircraft from unauthorized intrusion and from damage.
Aircraft ground handling is a complex organizational, technical, and
operational process. It contains numerous interconnections and
interdependencies between processes with a series-parallel structure along with
alternative paths. GSE equipment operators must
comply with the rules of vehicle traffic at airports, which are regulated by
law. This mainly refers to the fact that traffic priority over vehicles and
vehicles towing aircraft is given to landing, taking off, and taxiing aircraft.
In addition, moving vehicles are required to give way to vehicles towing
aircraft. It follows that vehicles moving within an airport, according to the
regulations, must always give way to aircraft moving within it. In addition,
their drivers must comply with the regulations in force at the airport (in the
form of horizontal and vertical signs or speed limits, among others). Regardless
of the regulations, all vehicles, aircraft, and vehicles towing aircraft should
obey the instructions issued by the relevant airport control authority.
Elementary activities occurring during ground handling are shown in fig. 2.
3.1. Identification of disruptions during
turnaround operations
Disruption is a circumstance resulting from a
violation of the established order during some activity, process, or event.
From the point of view of aircraft ground handling, the key aspect is time.
Thus, disruption is a violation of the established order of the implementation
of activities, processes, procedures, etc., which can negatively impact the
timely implementation of aircraft ground handling and the safety of the
execution of flight operations [29]. Time pressure
resulting from the need to perform and complete an activity promptly can cause
errors that affect the resulting disruptions. In general, disruptions at an
airport affect the operational efficiency of the airport. They can cause delays
or diversion of flight operations to other airports. Such a situation is very
disadvantageous for airlines generating economic losses and social impacts for
aviation institutions, i.e., airport managers, airlines, and passengers [17].
Disruption has been analyzed
in different contexts in several scientific studies and is still an important
research area. The authors [0] analyzed
a specific disruption event and assessed the a-posteriori effects. Another important
aspect is estimating the economic impact caused by airport closures.
It should also be noted that disruptions are also
associated with additional fuel consumption and an increase in local and global
atmospheric pollution, which directly impacts the environment through the
emission of harmful substances [29].
Turnaround operations have been analyzed
in detail regarding the disruptions that occur, shown in fig. 2. The diagram
directly relates to all activities that are used in the implementation of
ground handling and all ground handling personnel and has been supplemented
with potential interferences.
Fig. 2. Scheme of aircraft turnaround operations
with disruptions
are many measures to minimize the disruptions that have occurred in the form of
procedures that are activated during the occurrence of situations that violate
safety rules leading, for example, to damage to the aircraft. In addition,
during the occurrence of disruptions, the movement of GSE
equipment and ground handling personnel under the aircraft should be kept to a
minimum. A joint disruption affecting the timely execution of ground handling
is the need to identify baggage due to the fact that a passenger has not
checked in for a flight and the baggage must be removed from the aircraft's
hold. This activity usually determines the moment when ground handling is
completed at the staging area. The operational supervisor or the aircraft
commander makes the decision to identify baggage. The on-time performance of
aircraft takeoff operations is also significantly affected by the aircraft's
arrival time from the previous flight. Cruise flight delays can result from a
variety of causes and disruptive factors, among which are:
dynamic changes in
the flight schedule,
- changes in aircraft rotations,
performance-related unpunctuality - later or earlier departure or arrival based
on schedule time,
delays and/or
errors related to the implementation of turnaround processes,
- threat situations,
- inadequate meteorological conditions,
deficiencies or
errors in operational data and information,
- aircraft malfunctions,
failures of equipment and operational infrastructure
3.2. Identification of disruptions using the
Ishikawa diagram
purpose of an Ishikawa diagram is to identify the possible causes of a
particular problem, which is complex and multifaceted. An Ishikawa diagram is
called a fishbone diagram or a cause-and-effect diagram. The diagram makes
it possible to identify the potential causes of a problem. A general
diagram identifying disturbances was created (fig. 3) to illustrate the
application of the Ishikawa diagram in aircraft ground handling.
Fig. 3. Ishikawa
diagram with disruptions
To accurately analyze the problem, which is the
problem of the emergence of interference during ground handling, the various
branches were described, namely procedures, machinery, environment,
environment, people, and management. The analysis shows that the human factor
is the largest contributor. In many situations, it can be related to the lack
of adequate training and knowledge of ground handlers. During the analysis, the
baggage handling problem came up with all branches. This is an elementary
activity, which usually determines when the ground handling is completed. The
process of baggage handling involves many factors, including lack of or
ignorance of the proper procedures, lack of proper equipment to handle these
bags, lack of knowledge of the procedures of the air carrier being handled, and
lack of or inadequate communication between the person coordinating the entire
ground handling process and those handling the unloading and loading of
baggage. Since this process appeared most frequently and can cause the most
disruption, this area was selected for further analysis.
3.3. Analysis of baggage process using the
method FRAM
The authors choose the FRAM method
to identify disruptions during baggage handling. This is a method for analyzing
functional resonance, defined as a detected signal that results from
independent interactions of multiple signals with normal variability [35]. As a result of functional
variability, there is a possibility of obtaining such a result that creates
hazards (the main causes of such variability are, for example, people and
technology). In air traffic, these can be incidents, so the FRAM method is also
used in this field. The FRAM method is characterized by four fundamental
principles [27]:
the principle of
balance of successes and failures - the successes and failures associated with
the implementation of the process are equivalent to each other, and thus that
different effects can arise from identical causes,
the principle of
approximate adjustment - employees are constantly adapting conditions to the
activities being carried out, and this is done in an approximate manner,
the principle of
emergency operation - failure cannot be planned; it is a condition that arose
the principle of
functional resonance - the superimposition of multiple signals in an unexpected
way, is the cause of the emergence of an emergency situation.
The FRAM method is a network that is
represented by identified system functions and the relationships between them.
The FRAM functions are represented by six parameters (aspects) and connect to
each other linearly. Fig. 4 shows a graphical FRAM model of the implementation
of the baggage handling process. This particular stage of the baggage handling
process was chosen because its correct implementation is affected by a number
of factors that can be a potential source of disruption.
Fig. 4. Model FRAM –
realization of baggage process
The model was created on the basis of data containing
the times of the various stages of ground handling of an Airbus A320 aircraft with a rotation time of about fifty-five
minutes, while the execution time of the unloading and loading processes is
about fifteen minutes each [1]. In creating the
model, the focus was on the conveyor belt vehicle and its access to the
aircraft, and the unloading and loading process with a time condition was taken
into account. The influence of weather conditions was ignored. This model was
created to analyze the baggage handling process under disruption conditions.
The introduction of the variability of functions (disruptions) made it possible
to create a number of potentially undesirable events (variants). The analysis
of these situations aimed to prioritize and determine the degree of harmfulness
of individual disruptions (irregularities). The first stage of the analysis
using the FRAM method is presented in Table 1. The characterized and described
functions, which represent the course of the baggage handling process and their
parameters, are placed there. Next to each function, their connections are also
given. Thirteen functions are listed in Table 1, of which the largest number of
connections is the F8 function (turning on the loader
belt). It has four connections to the “I” parameter and two
connections to the “O” parameter.
Characteristics of the functions of the FRAM
No |
F |
Input I |
Output O |
Precondition P |
Resources R |
Control C |
Time T |
F1 |
Arrival AC |
- |
AC at airport |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F2 |
Arrival BL to AC |
- |
Arrival to AC |
AC at airport |
- |
- |
- |
F3 |
Distance control from AC |
- |
Correct distance from AC |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F4 |
Docking BL to AC |
Docking to AC |
Stopping BL |
- |
- |
Correct distance from AC |
- |
F5 |
WCh setup |
- |
Placed WCh |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F6 |
Pressing PB |
- |
Locked PB |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F7 |
BL height setup |
- |
Correct height BL |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F8 |
Switch on BL |
Correct activities |
BL working |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F9 |
Unloading |
Switch on BL |
Empty baggage hold |
- |
Baggage |
- |
15 |
F10 |
Handling time 15 min |
- |
15 min |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F11 |
Handling |
- |
Baggage |
- |
- |
- |
- |
F12 |
Loading |
Swith on BL |
Baggage hold loaded |
- |
Baggage |
- |
15 |
F13 |
End of baggage service |
Baggage hold loaded |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
– aircraft; BL – belt loader; PB –
parking brake; WCh – wheel chock
Table 2 describes the possible
variability of the function. It considers situations possible during the
implementation of the baggage handling process. The most examples of function
variability were noted for functions F3 and F4.
Tab. 2
Examples of the variability
of selected functions
Function F |
Variability V |
Description |
F3 |
F3V0 |
Correct distance from AC |
F3V1 |
Incorrect distance from AC |
F3V2 |
No control |
F4 |
F4V0 |
BL stops in correct distance from
AC |
F4V1 |
BL stops in incorrect distance
from AC |
F4V2 |
BL will not stop at AC |
F5 |
F5V0 |
WChs set under the AC wheels |
F5V1 |
WChs not set under the AC wheels |
F6 |
F6V0 |
PB locked |
F6V1 |
PB not locked |
F7 |
F7V0 |
Correct height BL |
F7V1 |
Incorrect height BL (too low, too
high) |
F8 |
F8V0 |
BL running correctly |
F8V1 |
BL running incorrectly |
F9 |
F9V0 |
Correct unloading |
F9V1 |
Incorrect unloading |
F10 |
F10V0 |
Handling time less than or equal
to 15 minutes |
F10V1 |
Handling time time
longer than 15 minutes |
F12 |
F12V0 |
Correct loading |
F12V1 |
Incorrect loading |
Tables 3-6 show the variability of
functions in various possible configurations, making creating variants
possible. At a later stage, this will allow consideration of the impact of each
function's variability on the next function's variability.
Tab. 3
Impact of the variability of the F3
function on the output of the F4 function
F |
Input I |
Control C |
Time T |
Output O |
Variant |
F4 |
Output F2 |
F3V1 |
- |
F4V1 |
W1 |
Output F2 |
F3V2 |
- |
F4V3 |
W2 |
Tab. 4
Impact of the variability of the F4, F5, F6, F7
functions on
the output of the F8 function
F |
Input I |
Output O |
Variant |
F8 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W3 |
F4V0 |
F5V0 |
F6V0 |
F7V1 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W5 |
F4V0 |
F5V0 |
F6V1 |
F7V1 |
Outputs |
F8V1 |
W6 |
F4V0 |
F5V1 |
F6V0 |
F7V0 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W8 |
F4V0 |
F5V1 |
F6V1 |
F7V0 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W12 |
F4V1 |
F5V0 |
F6V1 |
F6V0 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W15 |
F4V1 |
F5V1 |
F6V0 |
F6V1 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W16 |
F4V1 |
F5V1 |
F6V1 |
F6V0 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W18 |
F4V2 |
F5V0 |
F6V0 |
F6V0 |
outputs |
F8V1 |
W25 |
F4V2 |
F5V1 |
F6V1 |
F6V1 |
Tab. 5
Impact of the variability of the F8 and F10 functions on
the output of the F9 function
F |
Input I |
Time T |
Output O |
Variant |
F9 |
Input F8V0 |
F10V1 |
F9V1 |
W26 |
Input F8V1 |
F10V0 |
F9V1 |
W27 |
Input F8V1 |
F10V1 |
F9V1 |
W28 |
Tab. 6
Impact of the variability of the F8, F9 and F10 functions on
the output of the F12 function
Function F |
Input I |
Precondition P |
Time T |
Output O |
Variant |
F12 |
F8V0 |
F9V0 |
F10V1 |
F12V1 |
W29 |
F8V0 |
F9V1 |
F10V0 |
F12V1 |
W30 |
F8V0 |
F9V1 |
F10V1 |
F12V1 |
W31 |
F8V1 |
F9V0 |
F10V0 |
F12V1 |
W32 |
F8V1 |
F9V0 |
F10V1 |
F12V1 |
W33 |
F8V1 |
F9V1 |
F10V0 |
F12V1 |
W34 |
F8V1 |
F9V1 |
F10V1 |
F12V1 |
W35 |
3.4. Analysis results
Tables 3-6 were created on the basis
of the functions that are most relevant to the occurrence of disruption. The
result of the resulting tables is thirty-five variants. The first table deals
with a belt loader vehicle arriving at the aircraft. Correct parking of a
vehicle with a belt loader at the aircraft occurs when the functions F3 and F4 variances take the
value V0. The remaining variants (W1,
W2) are related to incorrect parking. Variant W1 refers to the inappropriate distance separating the
parked vehicle with the belt loader from the aircraft (parking too close or too
far away). In contrast, such a disruption can be quickly removed and thus
return to the correct implementation of baggage handling. Special attention
should be paid to variant W2, in which the belt
loader vehicle fails to stop and hits the aircraft. Such a disruption can cause
the most damage (and long delays), not only in the form of damage to the
vehicle and the aircraft, but can also cause damage to the health of ground
handling personnel. Tab. 4 is related to the inclusion of the belt loader. As a
result of the variability of the function, 23 variants have been created, which
provide for the incorrect activation of the belt loader. Correct activation of
the loader belt occurs only if the function variables F4,
F5, F6, F7
take the value V0, that is, the vehicle with the
loader belt is properly parked, chocks are placed under the wheels, the parking
brake is applied, and the loader belt is set to the correct height. If any of
the function variables goes to a state other than V0,
it means that the loader belt is started incorrectly.
The most harmful variants are those
in which the loader belt vehicle fails to stop in front of the aircraft and
hits it. There are eight such variants (from W18 to W25). The second most dangerous variants are those
involving unapplied parking brakes and the absence of chocks under the wheels
of the loader belt vehicle, and there are four of them (W8,
W9, W16, W17). This threatens the possibility of the vehicle moving
during the implementation of baggage handling which can result in damage to the
vehicle, the aircraft and can endanger the lives of personnel. Next in order
are those variants in which the parking brake is not applied, but the chocks
are substituted (W4, W5, W12, W13). These are also
dangerous examples of variants that can cause major disruptions. The next
ranked variants are W15, W14,
W11, W10, in which the
variables of function F5 and F7
are not as important as the variable V1 of function F4, which relates to the fact that the vehicle stops at an
inappropriate distance from the AC. The penultimate variants are W3 and W7, which are related to
the inadequate height of the loader belt. This can cause problems during the
retrieval of luggage from the belt, which is associated with the creation of
disruptions and subsequent delays. The last variant is W6,
which lacks chocks under the wheels. This is the least of the problems, as the
parking brake is applied, preventing the vehicle from moving independently.
Table 5 describes the unloading process. Correct unloading occurs only if
functions F8 and F10's
variability takes the value V0. If any function takes
a variation other than V0, the implementation of the
unloading process is incorrect. The worst variant is W28,
in which the loader belt was incorrectly switched on, and the unloading
execution time exceeded 15 minutes. This variant generates the greatest
disruptions and, as a result, the greatest delays. In Table 6 on loading, more
variants were proposed than in Table 5. This is due to the fact that for the
loading function, an initial condition was added, i.e. a correctly executed
unloading process (luggage hatch unloaded). Otherwise, the loading process
cannot start. In addition, the loading function is regulated by the time
parameter T (15 minutes). Considering the above, the worst variants are W31 and W35, in which the
unloading was carried out incorrectly and the execution time is more than 15
minutes. The subsequent variants are W30 and W34, in which the unloading procedure was carried out
incorrectly. The next variants are W29 and W33, in which the execution time for loading takes more
than 15 minutes. The last variant is W32, in which
the loader belt was switched on incorrectly. Of the scenarios presented, this
is the least harmful disruption.
In summary, all the variants of
function variability that have arisen that can contribute to the greatest
damage are those related to functions F3, F4 and F6. They concern the
loader belt vehicle and the parking brake. If the loader belt fails to stop or
its parking brake is not applied, the aircraft will be impacted. Such
situations generate the most severe disruptions. They have the greatest impact
on the timely execution of the baggage handling process and the entire ground
handling process. In the worst-case scenario, health or life may be lost in
addition to the destruction of the vehicle and aircraft. Such situations are
unacceptable and should be especially avoided.
The analysis carried out using the
FRAM method (in FRAM Model Visualiser Pro) made it
possible to visualize the range of possibilities for interference during the
baggage handling process. The description of the proposed function variants and
their analysis led to the creation of dozens of scenarios that showed the scale
of the possibility of potential disruptions and their harmfulness. The results
of the analysis focused attention on the process elements whose improper
implementation generates disruptions. They were ranked in terms of the
harmfulness of the effects. By harmfulness of effects is meant monetary and
health losses. Such data, properly presented, can contribute to offsetting the
occurrence of disruptions by increasing employee awareness. It should be noted
that the selected process is one of many stages of aircraft ground handling, so
the number of opportunities for interference in the entire ground handling
process is very large. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to negate
the formation of interference. The proposed process for identifying disruptions
and analyzing the baggage handling model contributed to identifying factors
affecting the timeliness of operations. With such knowledge, awareness and
understanding of the problem of disruptions can be realistically increased.
Reducing the frequency of their occurrence will primarily increase the safety
of passengers and staff and the airport's capacity. The range of services
provided by ground handling is very wide.
Although considered ancillary to the
complex aviation operations conducted, ground handling at airports is the
backbone of air transport operations. The quality and standard of ground
services provided by various airport entities directly affect the safety of all
air operations, hence the care and meticulousness associated with the selection
of ground handling agents. The obtained scenarios prove that the key factor
influencing the occurrence of disruptions is the human factor. Despite the
existence of detailed procedures, all potential disruptions are the
responsibility of personnel. Therefore, in such situations, one suggestion for
improving safety and eliminating future occurrences is to emphasize periodic
training to help systematize actions in accordance with the procedures in
place. The training will also help raise awareness of the actions performed
during the activities.
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Received 11.01.2023; accepted in
revised form 20.03.2023
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[1] Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of
Technology, Koszykowa 75 Street, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland.
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[2] Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of
Technology, Koszykowa 75 Street, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland.
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